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La Scène steamcircus logo
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La Scène flyer story steamcircus

Imagine being in a place where wonders abound, a dreamlike world where the past meets the future, and music comes to life in a vibrant spectacle.


In this scenario, the first thing you must do is learn to open your eyes...

SteamCircus will transport you on a magical journey through a hidden and invisible world, a place where the wildest ideas and grandest dreams await.

What if, by engaging our imagination and opening our minds, we could unlock the door to a world of wonders?

This interactive show is inspired by the circus world, filled with breathtaking visuals and elegant costumes that will leave you breathless!

By merging electro-swing music, Steampunk, and variety circus, it promises to transport the audience to a golden age of wonders and amazement.

Swing Jazz Big Band. La Scène © 2015 por Daniel Pinedo.

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